Tuesday, July 8, 2008

due date +6...yeah, that's right, almost a week late!

Ok, so I can't help but to continue to count the days. I'm feeling better about things and I'm trying to keep my mind occupied with other thoughts, but there really is no true escaping of my incredibly pregnant self. At least my mind is currently in a content place, understanding that as long as everything with the pregnancy remains healthy, there is really no reason for concern. I had a nice dose of strong contractions last night, and a handful this morning. Nothing is regular or increasing in intensity, so labor still evades me, but at least I feel like my body is working towards the ultimate goal. His movements also remain strong and regular, so I really have no cause for alarm. He is just as content as ever swimming around in there, and I have to pretend that I'm as content as ever with the status quo. This is my cancer baby, opposite my capricorn self. He's gotta do what feels right, no matter if I think we just need to get the job done!

Tomorrow I will officially be 41 weeks pregnant. One week past my due date. Up until now, everything about this pregnancy has been SO by the book I was sure I would deliver by Wednesday. Now I'm not so sure. Right now instead of counting towards potential labor and delivery, I feel like I'm actually counting down to Thursday's doc appointment. I'm anxious to get confirmation from my doc that everything remains happy and healthy despite his delayed arrival, and I'm anxious for the membrane sweep. I read a lot of stories online of it working for many women, and I think that since it's so late in the pregnancy, and since I'm already dilated and effaced to some degree, it stands a good chance of working. So currently, I believe I will have a baby sometime between Friday and Monday. Of course, I haven't been right about any of this stuff yet.

1 comment:

orangek8 said...

It sounds like you're in a really good place with everything. I'm sure your body will be done with the finishing touches any day now, and you'll get to meet that sweet little boy! Good luck with everything, Liz!