Thursday, July 10, 2008

3:53 am and I'm awake

So I woke up several times in the past hour due to lower abdominal cramping. It is 3:54 and I am having another strong cramp and contraction. I can't sleep because it hurts regularly and I'm so excited about the possibility that this might be it. But I am very skeptical. It is painful and there is definite pressure, but it's not really like I have to stop and breathe through the pain or anything, so I don't know yet that this is IT. All I know is that this feeling is quite different than the contractions I've felt before. I figured I'd post because even if this is NOT it, since it is a significantly different sensation that I might as well get a record of. And if this IS it, I dunno how much I'll be able to post before things get "real". Heh heh.

It sort of occurs to me, though, that I would be making the "call" to the doc/hospital during normal business hours. Not sure why I thought this. I wonder if the number I had planned to call is the right one. Well, Lafayette isn't a big town so I'm sure I will get to the right people easily enough.

Here comes another contraction with pain...3:57 am. Now I have to ask myself, is it increasing in intensity? Well apparently I can still type at a decent pace while it's happening so it probably isn't a great concern. I think I am supposed to drink some fluids and walk around and see if they remain regular. I will know it's IT if these contractions continue no matter what I do, and they are every 3-5 minutes lasting a minute each. I don't think mine are lasting that long but that seems hard to time. They are definitely happening every 3-5 minutes for now.

I will drink some fluids, walk around, and see if I can sleep some more. I do feel sleepy, despite the potential excitement. Hopefully more good news to come...

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