Sunday, June 29, 2008

3 mind

So I think yesterday I did a pretty good job of NOT obsessing about when I was going to go into labor. Sure, I talked to the guy who lives in my womb about it and told him that I was ready, and I went into the same nearly scripted conversations with family about guessing which day he might choose to join us, face to face. But I didn't spend hours googling about pre-labor signs, I didn't read any birth stories (I don't think), and I quietly thought I was beginning to accept that this birth may just take a couple of weeks still, and regardless, it is entirely out of my hands. But while I thought I had my conscious mind under control, I guess my unconscious mind was as obsessed as ever. I think for nearly the entire night last night, I dreamed about STILL being pregnant and the baby NOT arriving to see the visiting family this week.

You see, my mother-in-law arrives TOMORROW, 2 days before my estimated due date. This is an especially exciting visit because she lives all the way in Wyoming and we don't see her much, plus she has had (and continues to have) a very busy summer. It means a lot that she is able to come and visit us this week. Plus without my own mom, I'm definitely looking forward to insights and assistance from a seasoned pro, heh heh. Well, odds are in our favor that the little guy
will arrive this week (I had my fingers crossed for today, but I didn't wake up in labor so now I assume that won't be happening) but I guess statistics don't mean much with this baby stuff. It's as likely as not that he will choose to arrive after Grandma has already left town. Sigh. I guess this is just the way it goes, and I can't get too concerned about it.

Also, Meg's lease starts July 1st. She's not officially moving here until some time in August, but she, Sarah, and my dad will be coming down here on the 3rd and staying for the weekend. They will be staying next door and maybe at a hotel, so lots of family for this holiday weekend!! Again, makes me keep hoping that the little guy will be here to meet them, but I suppose the family visits will at least provide some good distraction should he decide to stay inside for a little while longer.

Tom should be back in the States by now (though I haven't heard from him)...our friend Esteban gets back to Lafayette on Monday... everyone is in position and ready for action, little Nemec. It's time to make your move.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

hurry up, baby!! :) can't believe it's just about time!!!