Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i didn't understand -- could you repeat that?

This morning I woke up with HIP PAIN!! I have read of this happening, but have had none so far so was optimistically believing I wouldn't have any at all. It might just be a fluke. We'll see. I use a body pillow (thanks dad!) and may just need to take other people's advice of MORE pillows! Though with two dogs a husband and the pillows we've already got (not to mention the growing belly) space is getting tight, heh heh.

Between 11 and 12 at night the paranoia kicks in. As it approaches the time for me to get to bed, I start to get one or more of the following: Depressed, Anxious, or Paranoid. Last night, I was feeling more contractions. They still hadn't gained in strength, duration, pain, but *maybe* they were gaining in quantity. What if something was happening and I was just assuming it was ok?? But I am proud to announce that I read that dehydration could lead to more of this tightening, so I drank a few cups of water and that almost immediately seemed to feel like things were relaxing (could have been psychological, but I'll take what I can get!) and plan to keep well-hydrated and I think I will be A-Ok. So far this AM I haven't felt any contractions -- and remember: it's normal to feel some, it just seemed like I was feeling a lot all of a sudden.

Anyway, all of this makes me think about how my body seems to have developed a whole new language. My body and I have figured out how to communicate fairly well over the past 28 years, but now it has learned new words that I don't seem to know yet. It doesn't seem fair, but I guess over the next three or four months it will make itself loud and clear.

I think I have successfully changed my settings so that anyone can post comments (don't have to be "registered") and the boy has been kicking a lot this morning, so I am going to assume he is trying to say hello to all of you.


Stephanie said...

hi to you, too, baby! :)

A NEMEC said...

Hi Ignace! It's Daddy! I'm working! ...kind of.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Liz, now I can leave messages! I think you are more aware than I ever was; body pillow -- great idea! mom-in-law