Tuesday, March 18, 2008

he grows...i grow...

Here are some belly pics taken today: 24 weeks and 6 days (The previous one was taken at 23 weeks and 1 day.) Sorry they are blurry. We thought we could pull it off without the flash, but today has been overcast and rainy.

No pregnancy news. Contractions are not nearly as much as yesterday, but I have felt a few. I need to keep drinking more fluids, for some reason that's sometimes hard for me to do. Anyway, I'm still completely confident that it is all normal. I'll let you know if the worry sets in. The little one has been moving a lot today, and that's always fun.

School and work are more what's going on. I have finished my artist statements, but I should revise them. I meet with my committee on Thursday to talk about the writing. A lot of my committee members seem to be blowing me off a bit these days, but I figured if they aren't worried with how I'm doing I shouldn't worry. But of course worrying is what I do best! I got some comments from one of my profs on how to improve my paper, and those were helpful, so after I meet with the rest of them on Thursday I'll be implementing those changes.

Today I also talked with my boss's boss and she mentioned how she was sad that I would be leaving and it would be a mistake for the department to let me go and she's been looking for positions for me. So nothing is for sure, but it's still sounding pretty promising!! I of course want to have as much time at home with the new guy when he arrives, but I also need to figure out how to pay the bills. I will just try to keep as many options open as possible and figure it out as it comes. Pregnancy is a lesson in patience.

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