Saturday, May 23, 2009


It's hot and humid already here in Indiana. Today we went to the park so Sam could play in the fountains. It was packed with kids, but Sam had fun playing in the water. He's transforming into a child before my very eyes. It's amazing.

New Sam facts:
He can pull himself to a stand now! And now he does it ALL the time. Whenever he can.
One of his top incisors has broken through, just a tiny bit, so we still have some more fussiness to come.

Question for you other moms out there:
So i know that when babies are teething they tend to bite when nursing. BUT do other babies think it's a joke?? Mine seems to take a fairly gentle bite and look up at me with an impish smile and when I say "no" or "ow" he does a little giggle. Is that weird???

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Oh my! Sam is growing up so sad that we are not there to be a part of this time in his life.... sooo cute with his teeny teefers! Your pics make me miss the Indiana summers - it is beautiful here, but I miss the thick air and ground bursting with life!