Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, night time routine is working great!! He goes right to sleep. The routine is generally: lotion, pjs, nurse, story time, rock, then right to sleep. During story time Sam plays in his crib, and after about two or three stories he gets fussy, so I stop reading, turn out the light, close the door, and rock him and/or hold him silently in the dark. Once he gets super drowsy I place him in his crib and he's out! Now, the problem is the rocking is what is really getting him drowsy, which means he still relies on being held by Mom before he can fall asleep, BUT he goes to sleep without ANY tears. Trouble is, that's just the first hurdle. He now takes to waking nearly every hour and is not comforted back to sleep unless he gets to fall asleep in Mom or Dad's arms. So, big step in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go. So far tonight he has been sleeping for a little over an hour...we'll see how long he goes.

That's pretty much the news around here. I have been a little anxiety-ridden as we meet the middle of the semester. Mostly I think I'm tired. It's so hard to look at anything clearly or function as well as I'd like when I'm tired. I wish I could be all things at all times. I used to think of myself as a perfectionist. Ha. Not anymore. Now I just try to get tasks done -- doing them perfectly is a bit beyond my reach (well, maybe it never was within reach, but it seemed reachable or at least made a nice goal). It is hard to come to terms with my own ordinariness, but I think that if I do I will find some inner peace or something.

Just because I know you come here to see pics of the boy:

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