Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm tired but feeling good.

Last night Sam did a lot better in his sleeping. Not great, mind you, but it felt like major steps in the right direction. This time, I read three stories to him while he played in his crib. Previously I tried to read to him while he sat in my lap and that was just WAY too much stimulation for him. This way he got to play and roll around but I got the reading in which is really about setting up routine anyway. Then he seemed to be getting sleepy, so I turned out the light, closed the door and sat with him in the dark. I sang a bit, but I think really he likes darkness and silence, so we just sat there together until he got really drowsy. Then I put him to bed and he FELL ASLEEP!! Yeah, he woke an hour later. I held him for a few minutes, and he went back to sleep. He woke AGAIN after an hour and then I had to nurse and hold him for a good 30 minutes before he went down. He woke a few more times throughout the night, but by that time Aaron was home and he just gave him his pacifier and stayed with him for a few and he went right back to sleep. Around 2 or so he came to bed with us and woke every two three hours, so definitely not great, but I still consider it a step in the right direction.

I cut off my hair. 'meh. It's ok.

Ok, I'm back at it. Check it out. If you still want one, email me at lerlewine at gmail dot com. I need birth date, time, place. I still have a lot of designing to do, but I think I have enough that I could actually start advertising these on Etsy. I need to get together the marketing type of stuff, like a name for my company and the line of clothes. And I should start getting together my interpretive text. I think just a little blurb will accompany each shirt, depending on the style. As for style, here you will see two with sun zodiac signs in the middle (leo the lion, scorpio the scorpion), one monogram, and one element.

Let me know your thoughts. I'll post some possible text soon and you can give feedback on that too. Not sure those of you receiving the shirts depicted below will get text this time around, sorry!

That is all. I need to pay bills, do dishes, laundry...all that fun stuff. Of course, Sam is napping, I could try to take a nap. That sounds nice...hmmm....

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

Ooh, I really like them all! I'm especially drawn to the element one. But that's probably just because I'm an earth sign (Capricorn). Glad to hear the sleep thing is getting better. It's always rough when they're teething.