Sunday, March 8, 2009


Sarah and Mike came all the way from Ann Arbor to visit us! So we went to Kokoro, our favorite sushi restaurant. Kokoro is somewhat infamous in Lafayette, some love it and some hate it. We are in the former group. I should have taken pictures of the monstrously huge and awesome rolls. My favorite is the Bahama Maki. Totally intense and totally yummy. Though I finally tried the spicy tuna and I might just have to get that one next time.

It was a brief but very nice visit and we're so glad they came! But I have realized that the days of Sam sleeping through dinner at restaurants are long gone. And we came back to our house and played Pictionary, during which Sam also would not relax. We had to cut the game short to put the little guy to sleep. Needless to say we are still struggling on the sleep front. I think I need to get on the routine/schedule hardcore, but I've been slacking. I realized that I thought I was ok letting my baby cry, but I only THOUGHT I was, in reality I can't let him cry for more than like 10 or 15 minutes. And that feels like an eternity, I assure you. But I still think maybe he's struggling because of teething pain, and I think even Ferber CIO methods recommend comforting your little one when he's in pain, right? Well, spring break is around the corner, maybe we'll get to sleep training for real then.

But now, thanks to daylight savings time it's already time to try to get Sam to sleep. He's exhausted from the weird sleep this weekend, though, which he's confirming by being a totally aggressive wiggle worm. To bed!! Or we will try, anyway....

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