Monday, March 23, 2009

He Moves!

So I knew this day was not far off -- our little Sam can really get around! He does an army crawl with some serious determination. I will try to post some videos. This of course means he is completely not happy just sitting still, and must be either on the move or in direct play with mom or dad (or aunt meg or juan or whoever). What an exciting time to witness! But I can already see all the trouble that will ensue.

I have never been that tidy, neat, and clean. I clean and, in fact, I love to scrub out sinks and tubs and that sort of thing, but I really am no where near "neat freak". I guess I think I'm somewhere comfortably in between slob and neat freak, heh heh. We have two VERY furry dogs that shed like crazy. We live in an old house with years of sediment built in and old windows and doors where all sorts of goodies can blow in and out. We have a long gravel driveway so we bring in dirt with every human and dog foot step. I sew in the house and during these times little bits of fabric and thread are known to get caught underneath furniture, hiding here or there for who knows how long. This, in my opinion, is liveable. A little dirt is actually good sometimes. Until you have a baby army crawling all across the hardwoods. No matter what I do, I think he will find every tiny little piece of fallen leaf that escaped the broom, or newly fallen bits of dog fur, or tiny tiny scrap of fabric or whatever, and he will study it with his tiny fingers only to surely place it in his mouth. Is this where I have to start believing "God made dirt so the dirt won't hurt?" or do I need to get into this cleaning stuff hardcore? Surely I won't be able to catch it all, and I do really think a little dirt is good for kids. I dunno about the polar fleece, polyester thread, and dog fur though...


Stephen said...

Go get 'em Sam!
Things will be different now.

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know he'll be driving! I wouldn't worry about your house 'dirt', but more the stuff he might now get into that you may not realize until he does. Books, plants, papers, etc. Our kids never got into cabinets too much but you never know when Sam might attempt it. The world is his now. Well, a limited world. Oh my.

Amy E. said...

Way to go Sam! Welcome to the world of babyproofing :)