Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Augh Pt 2

Ok, so after last post:
I got food poisoning.
I received over $2000 in medical bills.
The pilot light to our water heater exploded outward, melting the spigot and causing a leak. Luckily nothing caught on fire.

So when it rains it pours. But the last bit made me realize -- my house did NOT catch on fire. I am feeling plenty sorry for myself, but maybe things are actually as good as they can be right now. We are achieving the best that can be achieved in our situation. Well, that sort of makes me feel better and sort of makes me feel worse.

The medical bills are for Sam -- we've maxed out our health insurance, so that means insurance no longer covers his vaccinations and well-baby check ups. I never finished filing for medicaid because I thought our health insurance was good enough. Hah. Guess I have to hit the government assistance hardcore. But I think I need to make it through this semester first. Sigh. We still haven't received all of the bills from Sam's surgery last December.

On top of that, Aaron and I are just really busy with end of semester stuff. I have a group art show coming up in a couple of weeks that I need to complete some pieces for, too. I'm really tired.

So, this is why I haven't been posting.

Here are some recent pics of the beautiful boy. Maybe I need to get him modeling and then we can pay his doctor bills...


Amy E. said...

Aw, he's so sweet! I hope the downpour lightens up. It really does seem to always hit all at once.

Stephanie said...

He would make a beautiful baby model!! :)

Hang in there! xoxoxo