Saturday, May 24, 2008

last day out

So except for Aaron coming down with a cold, today has been a nice day. We went to breakfast in the morning and then walked around this little art fair that Lafayette was having, then checked out some yard sales. It is a beautiful day with sunny skies and a nice breeze. Yet I'm calling today my last day out because I have now reached the pregnant stage where everyone seems to feel obliged to comment on my growing belly and tell me how it looks like I'm going to give birth any day!! Ok fine, but it isn't any day now! I have at least three weeks to go!

Today's comments (Equally harmless but they sure can add up to making you feel pretty self conscious!):

1) Long wait at the restaurant for breakfast, so the waitress made a joke about how we probably thought I'd go into labor before the food arrived.

2) Man: "Have you got a boy or girl in there -- or both?"

3) Woman: "When are you due"
Me: "July 2...still got a while to go!"
Woman: "I was gonna say, looks like you're gonna give birth any day!"

Then two other women asked due dates and such and stayed away from commenting on my size as they each had daughters or sons expecting babies in the next month or two.


I keep trying to convince myself not to think about my size, but society is there to bring it back to the front of my mind. This morning before we left the house I was even telling Aaron how I didn't know why I worried so much about my body during this pregnancy, after all, from what I can tell I'm completely normal! Yet when strangers feel comfortable commenting on my body, size specifically, I can't help but just feel weird.

So we went to Walgreens and got cold medicine and ice cream. Screw it. If I'm gonna be a blimp, I might as well enjoy it. And I've vowed to stay home for the rest of my pregnancy, ha ha.


Stephanie said...

those ladies are crazy. You don't look huge at all. In fact, you look very cute! :)

AstroYoga said...

I think all of the comments on size comes from a lack of knowledge about what a pregnant body actually looks like. In movies, on the rare occasion that a starlet is pregnant, it is usually the cute, late second trimester kind of belly. They don't seem to portray the reality of pregnancy well, and I think a lot of people just assume that women don't get much bigger than that.

As a rule, I just assume that everything that I experience is 'normal' (unless I know it's not). I've never met you, but I suspect you are perfectly proportioned for your point in pregnancy - enjoy the goodies without an ounce of guilt!

Liz said...

thanks stephanie & tammy! for the most part i really think these people are somehow trying to be friendly!! but it just can sound terribly off to a 8+ pregnant lady!