Monday, April 20, 2009

To blog or not to blog...

Well, I think I may have fallen out of this blog thing. I think if I don't do it regularly, it makes it harder to do at all. Like email. I can email or chat easily with those I email with on a daily basis, but if it's someone I don't regularly communicate with, it can take me forever to reply or keep the communication going. I dunno. Maybe I'm done blogging?

Well, what's going on with us...

Sam goes to the doctor tomorrow, so I guess I'll blog tomorrow so that's a good sign for the blog. He is sooo tall now I can't wait for his stats.

Sam is a total goof ball these days, and lots of fun to laugh and play with, and tickle too. He's much more ticklish now. He still does the tummy-to-the-ground crawl but is starting to figure out how to push up on his hands and knees when in a stationary position, so a full on crawl is probably not too far off. When in his crib, he can pull from a sit to his knees, but still not up to a sit from lying down. He's also working on getting from a sit to a tummy crawl position, but will only brave that on soft surfaces or if he has my lap or something to help with the transition.

We have had some lovely spring days and Sam has had a chance to play out in the grass. So nice to not feel as confined to our small home and man-made toys and textures. Didn't get any photos of his playing outside, but I guess I shouldn't capture every moment of his life with the camera.

Baby drool CAN ruin cell phones and cameras.
A lesson I shouldn't have had to learn through experience.


We're doing ok with sleep. I should write a whole blog on sleep and what has worked and what hasn't and how I still am as lost as ever.
Basically: We still don't have a routine. Sam cannot get to sleep without Mom or Dad (so he does not "self sooth"). He will sleep in his crib, but needs Mom or Dad there to fall asleep. And when he wakes and they aren't there is not a happy camper. I have tried early to bed, but that did not prove to be more successful, so I basically let him call the shots, which isn't helping. I think we are going to have to work hard at getting a routine going once the semester ends. Which is like two weeks away. In the mean time, we're getting some sleep, so I guess it isn't too broken.

Aaron and I are still unemployed for the summer. I have an interview at the public library tomorrow. I'm really excited about the possibility of working for the library. It is such a great organization that I really don't utilize enough. However, the pay is lousy (but good benefits), and it's full time. But I guess if they offer it I will just take it and see what else happens. I really can't fathom being away from Sam for 40 hours/week though. But you do what you gotta do I guess.

Another positive note is that the fed. government has a new income-based repayment plan starting for student loans. So your monthly payment is based on your income, and after 25 years whatever amount remains is forgiven. If you work in public service, your debt is relieved after 10 years of repayment. So maybe living with a low-paying job is possible.

Semester is almost done. Last weekend was the student show I put together for my sculpture class. It was a big success. Great article in the local paper, and a great crowd for the reception.

I installed my group show yesterday. I am not pleased with the work I did for it. Oh well.

I am constantly looking for a new career path. Lately seriously considering nursing. Closest to total job security I can find. Could get an associates at the community college here, but couldn't start until next Spring. But the state of Indiana has a scholarship available that pretty much would cover all costs if I were to agree to work in Indiana for two years....hmmm....


Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
I hope you keep writing your blog. It is a wonderful way for me to keep up with you and your family. And I love the pictures of Sam. He looks so happy and healthy and so full of life.
One time we talked about working in a Pharmacy. I think there will always be a need there.
Did Sam get his Easter package?
hugs to all

Stephanie said...

Don't leave us Liz! :)

Sam is tooooooo cute! I want to eat him up! :)