Thursday, April 23, 2009


We played outside a little bit. Or, had a photo shoot anyway. Sam drool ruined our camera so I'm lucky that Meg will lend me hers.

School stuff is stressful this week, but it's almost over.

Will hear about the job I interviewed for at the end of next week at the earliest. I don't want to get offered it because if I'm offered it I should take it and I don't want to work full time. But I am scared about lack of employment too. What am I to do?
I remain lost and sad. But Sam at least makes me smile.


Amy E. said...

I'm sorry you're going through such a stressful time. I hope a solution comes soon, whatever it may be. And as usual, he's looking way cute in the pics!

carol said...

Sam makes me smile too. I wish I were there to give you all a great big hug.

margaret e said...

Sam looks so mighty, bright, pensive, and sweet. Enjoyed the recent pics, thanks for posting. You must bedue for a streak of good luck now. Hope so.