Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Appointment Updates

Sam stats!!

Weight: 23 lbs (82%)
Height: 29 1/4" (77%)
Head: 47.1 cm (90%)

So, still a big ol' head, but not quite the giant baby he was in his earlier months.

Doc said he was healthy guy! So that's good. He did cry more at this appt. than at appointments past, and he didn't even get shots! But the appointment was during his normal nap time and he is definitely more opinionated these days anyway.

One worrisome thing is that the doc had trouble finding his testicles cause they were back up in his abdomen. She asked if she'd had trouble finding them before and basically talked as though they hadn't descended yet. She hasn't had trouble finding them before, and I don't know all that much about male genitalia so I didn't think to really question or discuss it at the time. It has been weighing on my mind since then, though, and I am 99.9% sure his testicles had already descended to the scrotum. So some google searching indicates that likely they have retracted. Don't know if they are "rectractile" or "hypermobile" testes or if in a couple of days they will be back to normal. I apologize now, Sam, for putting such personal information about you on the world wide web. Your 9 month old self I'm sure doesn't care at all, but a future 11 year old Sam might be mortified. Anyway, I think it's all fine, but it's enough to get a mom worried so I thought I'd write about it to get it out of my system.

And my interview went well. I still don't know if I could work 40 hrs/wk. I really want to remain Sam's primary care giver. Well, I haven't been offered anything yet anyway.

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