Wednesday, June 10, 2009

11 Months Old!

Sam is embarking on his twelfth month of life!!
At 11 months old Sam:
  • Crawls all around, mostly on hands and knees, sometimes still on his tummy. He's fast, too.
  • Loves to "cruise" and is always pulling himself up to a stand and walking around the furniture. He also has a walker toy that Aaron calls his "lawnmower" and he likes to use that to walk around too. He often cruises along a piece of furniture, stops mid-way and holds his arm up for me to come grab his hand and walk with him.
  • Has three teeth, and seems to be working on his fourth.
  • Sleeps well for a week or two, then poorly for a week or so. Still attributing this to teething.
  • Sleeps exclusively in our bed. Yup.
  • Has a schedule! And if it is disrupted things get pretty rocky.
  • Points at things to tell me what he wants.
  • Waves hello and goodbye and says "bah" for bye.
  • Can find your nose if you ask him to.
  • Has a new word that is between "gum" and "gup" that we first thought was him trying to say "dog" but he uses it for many things. It's a very versatile word.
  • Loves to eat. He loves Cheerios and cheese and bread.
  • Loves water, including bath time and playing in his wading pool, and playing in the fountains on campus.
  • Does the "mom dive" which makes me feel super special. Sometimes when someone else is holding him and I come and stand next to them, he dives for me. Aaron labeled it the mom dive.
  • The aforementioned mom dive is important to me because he also has figured out how to push away from me while I'm holding him, letting me know he wants to get down on the ground and do things himself.
  • Loves playing with wooden hammers (has several for various toys like a xylophone).
  • Likes to throw things.
  • Is becoming more like a kid and less like a baby everyday.
And it just so happens that Sam was baptized in the church of his paternal family today, too, on his 11 month birthday. He did really well though did get a little scared when the stranger (Pastor) put the water on his head. Aaron and I are not members of the church so his Aunt Sarah Nemec is his sponsor. Here she is holding her nephew (his Aunt Meg is pictured with us too, since she witnessed the baptism also).

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

He's so big! I can't believe he's almost a year old. I love the gum/gup word and the mom dive.