Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So I am still on the email list for my old job, meaning I get emails about who can cover the reception desk and yadda yadda yadda. I sort of liked being kept in the loop because I had left with the impression that I would be coming back. They usually have good bye lunches and things for staff when they leave to pursue other ventures. They never did for me. Instead, I made little goodbye cookie packs for everyone. I didn't really mind. I figured it was because they intended to have me back. Well, maybe they did.

Anyway, today, from the archive email list, I got an email that they are having the first of their top candidates for "my job" in for a campus visit. I, as of today, have NOT been invited for a campus visit, so I guess I WILL NOT be invited.

I emailed my old boss, requesting to be taken off their email list. It was a very friendly and polite note. Shortly thereafter, I received an automatic notice saying I was removed from the list. No personal response. Hopefully he will send something more cordial.

I googled the candidate who is coming for the interview. She has her masters in library studies and wants to be a digital librarian. I am sure all of their candidates have these credentials. Her resume (it's posted online) makes her sound like a great candidate for the job.

I just feel a little duped. A little tricked. A little teased. I think of myself as generally pessimistic and don't expect things to go my way, so why am I surprised that they aren't offering this job to me? I guess becacuse I heard how they referred to it as my job. I guess because when the student help asked my boss if I'd be back he said yes. I guess because the head of the department asked to see my resume when writing the job description. Really, though, it was only my direct boss who made it sound like it was my job. No one else did. So it's his fault. He's the one who teased me. But he really wanted me in the job, so I guess I can't be mad at him. I guess I don't get to be mad at anyone. But I still feel a little mad. And I sort of feel like a fool. Even though I couldn't even accept it if they offered it.

Oh, plus today was annoying because I went to the BMV (yes B mv -- here is the BUREAU of motor vehicles) and despite my 8,000,000 forms of ID including birth certificate, passport, social security card, the utility bill I brought was too old and I couldn't get my license so I have to go back another time. I wanted to scream all sorts of obscenities, but managed not to.

Today the world is out to get me. Maybe there is a reason. I'll have to think about that.


Amy E. said...

Sorry about the emails. It's always really disappointing when you don't get the job.

And I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that thought BMV was kind of a weird acronym. I mean BM. Really? As if they don't get made fun of enough.

AstroYoga said...

I can relate! I left my job (two weeks before the birth of my daughter) when my contract was up. Everyone in the office was super friendly, and we all got along well. There was little fan fair when I left. And after the birth of my daughter, not even an office card! When my bosses sent out an article in a society publication thanking some other rotating employees (who were there as long as I was), I was really hurt to see that I wasn't even mentioned. Not one word of public appreciation for two years of work! They were happy with my performance and said they wished I could have stayed, but damn, it sure didn't feel that way when I left.