Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good day, sunshine

It has been a lovely autumn day! So needed after a week of very chilly temperatures. Meg and Sam and I got to hang out and play in the grass, and it was just what I needed!

Thanks so much for your congratulations. I'm really excited about the new job. I won't begin until January, since I need to wait for my contracts to end first. I will probably go ahead and quit the one job I have the liberty of quitting, though I'm not looking forward to that. But really, the new job is about the same pay (maybe more) than what I'm getting from the three part time ones, and what my family needs more from me is time, not the little bit of money the job brings in.

I am still feeling swamped, and like I'm constantly trying to catch up. My work in all FOUR jobs (including that important job of being a mom) is suffering, and it is hard to feel proud of anything when I feel like I'm just doing the bare minimum to get by. But, I got myself into this situation, and it's temporary, so I will persevere, even if my lectures are a little sloppy and I have to ask for more help watching Sam. I wish that every mom (and dad) could stay home with their children as much as they want to. I mean, I know I'm happier having some work outside of the home (rather than none) but 10-20 hrs would suffice ;-)

Well, I guess I better get back to work.

1 comment:

carol said...

Look at hose abs!

Just a few more weeks, Liz. You'll make it.