Thursday, October 15, 2009

15 month musings

Back from Sam's 15 month doctor appointment!

I canceled my class today because my regular baby sitter AND backup baby sitter were not available. Meg was out of town and my friend's daughter caught a stomach flu (or maybe it was something she ate) so it didn't sound like a good idea to bring Sam over there. So -- day off. I feel weird canceling class but I guess this is what happens some times. I'm sure the students are happy to have a day off. And I guess I am too ;-)

So this morning, Sam went to the doctor. Everything is great! 24 lbs, 8 oz. 32 1/2 inches tall (though I'm pretty sure that's not right -- I'm pretty sure he's shorter than that), Head Circumference 48.5 cm. Head is consistent in the percentiles, weight is now around the 50th percentile, and height spiked up to something like 75 but I'm pretty sure it's inflated and it seems every fraction of an inch means a lot in the land of percentiles. I got some good info about diet and nutrition, even if I've already heard it a million times.

BUT there was one concern... Sam is not yet talking. No first words. He has said "bye" for ages, so maybe that counts? But other than that, nada. Not mama, not dada. He has made lots of different sounds, da, ga, ba, ma, la, etc and sometimes links them together, but not consistently and not often to communicate. Usually his verbal communication is: "ga?" sometimes "ga? GA??". He sometimes seems like he's going or trying to say "dog" or "ball", but nothing really identifiable yet. So, doc seemed a little worried.

HOWEVER, he is signing up a storm! He knows signs for: baby, water, bath, eat, hungry, sleep, ball, play, apple, dog, cookie, and is learning to sign for help. He learned "apple" in one day. He understands SO much. When asked, he can show me where his head, toes, belly, ear, and nose are. He can find my nose and my ear. He can look behind when I ask him to. He can find the light when asked. He can hand me a toy when I ask. He will sit down when I ask. He will find his Dad, the dogs, the guitar -- just so many things. So he clearly has receptive language down and he's even expressive, just not spoken yet. It will come. Our doctor thinks so too. She really didn't express this as a big worry. Just said that "normally" children are speaking at this point, so if he doesn't have first words by 18 months, she might refer us to specialists who can offer suggestions and just make sure everything is ok. Both the doc & I are pretty sure those first words will come by then anyway.

In other updates:
I might have the gallery job after all. I got a call on it but it wasn't like "we're offering you the job" it was more like "we WANT to offer you the job" and I am expecting to hear back from them. I think I'll follow up with them later today or tomorrow. Weird.

We had a lovely visit with my Aunt Sally!

I'm too busy. Aaron is too busy. I feel like my work is suffering in all areas. But we're surviving. It's only temporary. I'm enjoying teaching, just prep for lecture class takes FOREVER. I have some great drawing students this term.

These days with Sam are the best. I LOVE this age. He is so much fun. Though I miss the days of him sleeping in my arms, we have so much fun playing together. He loves books now. He has favorites. Picks them off the shelf and brings them to us or takes them to the bed or couch for us to read to him. He is learning to get off the furniture "feet first". He is funny. Has a great sense of humor. Loves to play all sorts of games. Is really into blocks. Loves kicking and throwing balls. LOVES to be chased by his pull toys. LOVES cell phones and electronic gadgets. He's neat. Every night Aaron and I comment to each other about how fortunate we are and how great life seems now that we have Sam. Even though we're too tired and overworked, our little guy makes it all worthwhile.


Amy E. said...

He's so cute and has some seriously great expressions!

I know that some pediatricians are counting signs toward the first word recommendations for his age group, so maybe that's why she isn't so worried about it. I'm sure when he does start talking, it'll be non stop though :)

I should put up some pics of E at his age. There is definitely some family resemblance.

A NEMEC said...

Mom forgot to mention that Sam said "baby" very clearly a few days ago on separate occasions. He even signed it while saying it. Maybe we made too big a deal of it and freaked him out, cause he hasn't said it since. "WOW! SAM! WOWEEE!"