Wednesday, January 27, 2010

18 months!

So I'm behind the times. But what else is new?

Sam is now 18 months old, or has been for a couple weeks. He went for his 18 month checkup this week though! He measured 33 3/4 inches tall (90th percentile!) 27 lbs 8 oz (75th percentile) and 33 3/4 cms head (something in the 80s percentile). So he remains a big boy. Doc said all is good. Still worried about his lack of talking. Though he has started saying mom!! And does he really need to say anything else, I mean, come on! But she said that she does consider him to be behind developmentally because he isn't verbally talking yet. She said if he really isn't taking to talking in the next few months to call them back. She doesn't want to wait until he's 2 (next well baby appointment is at 24 months). I dunno. From all my anecdotal experience via other moms, I just am not worried at all. Sam does not seem behind to me. But I might as well call and see the specialist if she thinks it's a good idea. It can't hurt.

Sam's communication still is great. He signs so many things. Most of the time he can tell us what he wants with signing and doesn't get very frustrated. *Sometimes* he can't communicate with us and does get upset. Maybe he needs more of that to start talking? But he learns a new sign instantly for something important to him (i.e. cake from my birthday -- learned that *right* away) and continues to use his vocabulary. He also sometimes tries to say baby and ball and rainbow. Bah. He's getting there.

In other news...
We are getting into our semester. We had a lovely surprise birthday visit from Sarah, Mike, Maggie, and Stephanie!! And then Aaron's mom was visiting for a while. So now we are getting into reality again. My new job is great, I really like it, but I do have to deal with committees and politics and it is more work than 20 hrs/wk. BUT they are extremely flexible with scheduling and encourage me to limit my work to 20 hrs/wk so I'm doing what I can.

Gotta run.

Here are some more pics of the big cutie.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Adorable! He's getting so big!!!