Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Well, I think I have oversupply issues. My body just is eager to produce food I guess. It was this way with Sam too. I didn't have as painful of engorgement this time when my milk came in, but still did have it. And still get it if he goes more than two hours between a feeding. But it's only been a week. My body is still figuring out supply and demand. I have discovered though that I cannot nurse him in a cradle position until my supply balances out. Every time I do he starts coughing, gulps air, pulls off and milk is spraying everywhere. Then he ends up with gas and/or hiccups and didn't even get full. The LLL site had some really helpful info though about how to encourage the body to produce the right amount of milk so I'm trying that out. Also explains why I naturally end up doing side-lying nursing almost exclusively. This way, the milk is not coming from above, so not as forceful, and baby can just let the excess dribble out (yes it is messy, I have rediscovered how I must line everything with burp cloths and receiving blankets). It just works for us. Plus I get to lie down which is often a bonus I guess! The LLL (la leche league) site also said that babies of mom's with oversupply do tend to bulk up faster and fill LOTS o'diapers because they are getting more foremilk which has more lactose or something. Anyway, it all makes sense after seeing Sam get nice and full and how William is already gaining like a champ. Another testament to the sheer quantity of milk William is taking in: the day before his doc appt he did 10 poops and 9 pees. Sheesh. Yes, we are going through A LOT of diapers.

Other than that, I couldn't have hoped for things to go more smoothly (knock on wood). I am a bit moody, Sam is acting out a bit more for parental attention, sleep is broken into two- to four-hour chunks, BUT sleep is had, William is eating, he's a happy baby. Cries hardest at diaper changes or if I seem to have put off feeding an unacceptable amount of time. Sam loves his brother and loves being a big brother. He's happy to show him off and kisses him about every chance he gets. I've been able to find some good one-on-one time with Sam, but probably not as much as he would like. Also, my recovery is going sooo much faster this time. I still have some tenderness and itching where the stitches are healing, but I'm off all pain medicine (was only on extra strength Tylenol anyway) and have been able to go out and about without totally wearing myself out. I have all but stopped bleeding too. I remember bleeding for weeks after Sam was born and being in notable pain for a while. I was also on a narcotic pain killer which really threw me for a loop.

Though, if I'm going to lose this baby weight, I have to stop eating all of the candy and cupcakes that found their way into the house...

So. Yeah. Things are ok.

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